Sunday, May 6, 2012

you are blessed.


Today you were given a blessing by your father.  Your father has given very personal blessings to each of you children.  Some things that really stood out to me were that he blessed you to be faithful.  He blessed you to have a relationship with Heavenly Father.  He blessed you to be healthy, strong, and active.  He blessed you to find a young woman when the time comes and to be happy and that you, too, will have a healthy family as we do.  He spoke of some of the blessings you have already received such as your beautiful sisters and being born into a family who love you.  In fact, he called us "wonderful."  Made me smile.  This is the first blessing of his children where his voice cracked and his eyes filled with tears.  Both your father and I stood and thanked everyone for coming and spoke of what was on our minds.  Your father stood first.  He spoke of his pants being too large.  He had bought these pants in California specifically for your blessing but you were screaming and your sisters were running around like little hooligans in the mall, so he didn't try them on.  He spoke of his irritation in the pants not fitting when he put them on today, but then he spoke of the realization he came to immediately after that thought.  Your dad was so grateful that he was able to bless you today, buddy.  I spoke of my struggles with being present.  I recently read somewhere that depression derives from living in the past and anxiety derives from living in the future.  Happiness derives from living in the moment.  I am constantly practicing to live in the moment.  I am practicing focusing on now.  At this moment, I was appreciative of NOW.  I was appreciative of you.  I am appreciative of you... your sweet spirit, your sweet smile, your sweet temperament.  I LOVE you.


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