Sunday, May 6, 2012

just the way you are.


You turned THREE months and I wanted to jot down some characteristics about you that may stay the same all your life, or perhaps may change.  Either way, I don't want to forget them.

SLEEP:  You are the most blessed child.  You are so aware of what you want.  You turn your head to a hard right when you want to sleep.  You may or may not take a binkie at this point.  You will NOT make eye contact.  You prefer a blanket over your face and I fear witnesses feel I am trying to smother you.  You close your eyes.  You like to be watched but not spoken to.  You like to hold something in your hand...  a finger or your blankie.  You  like the sound of the humidifier or vacuum or other white noise.  You do NOT want rocked, or bounced, or doted upon.  You LOVE your crib.  When you are ready for bed, you are READY FOR BED.  Nothing less will do.  However, if bed is not near, you prefer your car seat with the cover pulled down so you don't have to look at anyone nor can anyone be looking at you.  You go to sleep EVERY night at 8 or 830 and sleep until 3 or 330 without fail.  I LOVE you and THANK you for this daily.

PACIFIER:  You have a love hate relationship with the bink.  You love it in that you don't really love it but I do.  You hate it in that you'll take it because I make you because I REFUSE to be your pacifier like I was for Chloe. 

SWING:  You LOVE your swing.  You prefer your big one that sways side to side over your travel one we bought for our California trip which is now in your room, BUT there are times you just really don't want held and we put you in your swing and you instantly silence.  It's about the funniest thing ever.  It's rather opposite from any baby I know.  Most babies prefer to be held but may be coaxed into a swing.  It is so cute.  You just truly don't like to be fussed over.

EATING:  Well, bud... you're a TANK.  You weighed 13.5 lbs at your last check up which was at 2 months.  You eat EVERY two hours and occassionally stretch to three... and it shows.  You have thunder thighs and chubby cheeks and you are absolutely adorable.  You are also rather tall for your age.  At two months you were in the 65%.  You have ginormous feet and very long hands.  I see many sports involving balls in your future. 

FEATURES:  You get oodles of oohs and ahhs over your big, beautiful blue eyes and looooong, dark eye lashes.  You're going to be a lady killer.  I feel bad to call you pretty, but, dude... you are one handsome little guy.

Your smile lights up a room and it is usually a crooked smile to one side.  Nothing melts my heart more quickly. 

STRENGTH:  You are a strong little bugger.  You don't really try to roll so much as push off with your feet.  You already have a little scooting action down on your back.  It's pretty clever actually, although I'm not sure you intend to do it at all.  You hold your head up everywhere.  You've NEVER liked to be held like a baby.  You will be walking early and very coorinated.  No doubt about it. 

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