Friday, March 8, 2013

Growin' Owen THIRTEEN months

{Buddy boy}
 You are learning so many things right now that I don't want to forget them.  You are so good at mimicking EVERYthing mom & dad & your sissies do.

1-You learned to stomp your foot which proves to be a real challenge or you but you do it anyway!  2-You spin & twirl which I've NEVER seen a baby your age do! You LOVE it and I can't figure out if you do actually do it to get dizzy! You seem to really like that part. [thrill seeker!].
3-You LOVE rhythm, but you always have. Any music that plays you start getting your bounce on :) You also start singing.  You sort of sound like an injured dog :D You also love copying the girls at their finest. When Chloe is upset she cries... More like wails... You emulate. Saydee yells at everyone... You repeat. Hilarious.
4-You are BUSY!!! I can't keep up! You unravel at LEAST one roll of toilet paper per DAY, no matter where we hide it! Your favorite pastime is chucking things down the stairs.  Glass seems to be your preference. It offers the most cause and effect.
5-You are also obsessed with the garbage cans. After all, they are baskets to put things in and take them out! You will undoubtedly be a basketball player. Your love for putting balls in holes, throwing and retrieving is unprecedented. ANY round object is a ball and WILL be used as a ball, so passersby beware. No exceptions.  No matter the size or weight.
6-You LOVE babies. You've already got your 'swag' figured out.  The other day you toddled your way right up to another toddler girl, grabbed her head & planted one on her... Added some tongue and viola!... You were tickled pink! She was horrified... Ahead of your years, son.  
7-You can neigh like a horse & stick your tongue out and pant like a dog.
8-You pretend to spit when you're done brushing your teeth.
9-You scrunch your nose up and make a sniffle/snore sound and bring people tissues.
10-You shake your head "yes" and "no."
11-You clean walls if you find any rags laying around.
12- You're still nursing and you've been a HUGE pain to try and ween. You have daddy's temper and moms perseverance.
13-You're  very sweet and you love everyone. You will dive to random people to have them hold you. Even if we don't know them.
14-You slept through the night for the first time since we moved in JUNE!... You were so much cuter and sweeter in my eyes after a full night's rest... Just FYI for future reference.

I love you, brother. You are sun a special blessing and sweet spirit!